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True besties never blab...


Instanails is committed to respecting the privacy of customers and online visitors. Please read the following policy to understand how any personal information received by Instanails will be treated. This policy may change from time to time so please check back periodically. If you have any questions in relation to Instanails’ privacy please contact us.


In general, you can visit the Instanails website without telling us who you are or revealing anything about yourself. Our service provider automatically recognises and records each visitor’s domain name server address, date and time of visit to the Instanails website and pages viewed. Our service provider only discloses aggregate information to us about the number and types of visitors and does not collect personally identifiable information (such as email address, name and address). This is anonymous statistical data and no attempt will be made by Instanails to identify users on their web browsing activities. We use this data to only evaluate our website performance and improve the content of the website. Instanails does not collect sensitive information, such as political or religious beliefs, about supporters or online visitors.


When you choose to purchase through the Instanails website you can pay securely either via PayPal or use your credit/debit card via the Eway Pty Ltd (‘Eway’) secure website ( to process your payment. Details you provide on the secure Eway Express Payment page are collected by Eway under their Terms of Use for the provision of their payment services, including risk assessment and authorisation by their bank. Your information is protected by Eway’s Security & Privacy Policy and Eway’s terms and conditions may wholly or partly supersede the Instanails Privacy Policy. Please see the Eway website to view their Security & Privacy Policy (


Under Eway’s Security & Privacy Policy, they will provide some information about you to Instanails to enable us to process your order. This information will include your name, e-mail address, business name and Australian Business Number if a business, telephone number, mailing address, shipping address, the date and amount of the transaction. However your credit card or bank account number will not be shown to Instanails.


We may utilise Remarketing, this is a way for us to connect with users, based upon their past interactions with the Instanails website. Third-party marketing vendors may be hired by Instanails to perform remarketing services. As a result, third-party vendors, including Google, may show Instanails ads on sites on the internet. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to Instanails' website. To opt out of customized Google Display Network ads click here. To find out more about how Google uses any data it collects please visit Any information collected is used only for remarketing purposes and will not be used by them for any other purpose.


Instanails is committed to taking reasonable steps to protect the personally identifiable information that is provided to us. We do not sell, swap or give any data to any external company or organisation. Instanails, however, may release information about you where we are required by law to disclose the information. Unfortunately no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100 per cent secure. As a result, while we strive to protect personal information, Instanails cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we employ our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems which cannot be accessed by outside agencies or non-Instanails staff.


Instanails is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers and online visitors and embraces the principles contained in the Privacy Act. Personal information is collected to process orders, issue tax receipts and send updates. If you no longer wish to receive information by mail or email you can send an email to or by telephoning 0401 660 704. If you have any questions in relation to Instanails' Privacy Policy or to make address a breach of your privacy, please contact us without hesitation.

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